Arka Microbial Consortium


Arka Microbial Consortium (AMC)  is a research formulation of ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru. It contains Nitrogen fixing, Phosphate and  Zinc solubilizing, Potassium mobilizing and plant growth promoting bacterial strains. It is available as solid and liquid formulations.

How to Apply the AMC Liquid Formulation

  • Seed Treatment:Around 10-20 mL of AMC can be mixed with 20 mL of rice gruel to make a slurry. Small sized seeds (100-200 g) can be mixed with the slurry. Care should be taken to ensure a uniform coating of the slurry on the seed surface. Treated seeds should be shade dried for 30 minutes and sown within 24 hours.
  • Cocopeat Enrichment: One L of  AMC is sufficient to enrich 1000 Kgs (1 ton) of cocopeat for raising vegetable nurseries. A suspension of AMC prepared @ 20 mL per L of water can be applied with a rose can to the cocopeat to enrich the cocopeat. The enriched cocopeat can be kept for a day, before filling in protrays.
  • Root Drenching:The roots of standing perennial crops can be drenched with  AMC prepared @ 3 L in 300 L of water. Root drenching can be repeated at 3 monthly intervals.
  • Main field application: For 1 acre of land, 3 L of  AMC can be mixed with 500 Kgs of FYM and applied near the root zone of a standing crop. Alternatively, it can be applied basally during land preparation.
  • Drip Application: For annual crops of 100 to 120 days duration. Three litres of AMC can be diluted @ 10 mL/ litre of water and applied through drip lines to the root zone on the 7th to 10th day of sowing/transplanting. The application can be repeated at a 45 day interval.

How to Apply AMC Solid Formulation

  • Seed Treatment:10-20g of AMC can be mixed with 20mL of rice gruel to make a slurry. Small sized seeds (100-200g) can be mixed with the slurry. Care should be taken to ensure a uniform coating of the slurry on the seed surface. Treated seeds should be shade dried for 30 minutes and sown within 24 hours.
  • Cocopeat Treatment:1Kg of  AMC is sufficient to enrich 1000 Kgs (1ton) of cocopeat for raising vegetable nurseries. A suspension of 1Kg of  AMC  prepared in 50 L of water can used to enrich the cocopeat. The enriched cocopeat can be kept for a day, before filling in protrays.
  • Root Drenching:The roots of standing perennial crops can be drenched with  AMC @ 5 Kgs per acre by suspending in 250 L of water. Root drenching can be repeated at 3 monthly intervals.
  • Main field application:For 1acre of land, 5Kgs of  AMC can be mixed with 500Kgs of FYM and applied near the root zone of a standing crop.  Alternatively, it can be applied basally during land preparation.

Benefits of  Arka Microbial Consortium

  • Can reduce 25 percent of inorganic fertilizers (N&P  when applied as suggested)
  • Improved seed germination
  • Enhances the vigour of seedlings and crop yield by 10 to 20 percent in most crops
  • When applied to the nursery media, it ensures a healthy rhizosphere before transplanting

Storage Instructions

  • Do not mix with pesticides, herbicides and inorganic fertilizers
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Keep away from children and pets
  • Shake well before use


  • Contains a minimum of 10 8 CFU/ml of the individual bacterial strains.

Availability: 1 kg. pack @ Rs.147/-,   5 kg. pack @ Rs.735/-,  1  Ltr. Bottle @ Rs.273/-, 5 Ltr.  @ Rs.1365/- and 20 Ltr.  @ Rs.5460/-.

Shelf Life: 6 months from the date of manufacture

For further details, please contact


Principal Scientist,

Division of Natural Resource Management,

ICAR-IIHR, Hesaraghatta Lake Post,

Bengaluru 560089.

Phone: 080-28446815/23086100 Ext No.328



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